The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity is pleased to announce our Fall 2016 Seminar Series. Held on Tuesdays at 12pm, in South Hall Room 205 on the UC Berkeley campus, these events are open to the public and include a light lunch. Please RSVP in advance for each event that you plan to attend.
September 13, 12pm
Tom Andriola
Vice President and Chief Information Officer, University of California
Tom Andriola joined the University of California as Vice President of Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer in October 2013. He oversees the information technology (IT) function, helps guide systemwide technology initiatives, manages technology needs for the Office of the President (UCOP), and provides leadership for the development of a long-term strategic vision for technology and digitalization at UC. In his presentation, Andriola will speak on “The Evolving Challenge of Cyber-Security in an Increasingly Digital World.” RSVP here.
September 27, 12pm
Chris Finan
CEO and Co-founder, Manifold Technology
Chris Finan is CEO and Co-Founder of Manifold Technology, a Silicon Valley-based startup that addresses security and governance challenges in advanced infrastructure. Chris previously led business development for Impermium, a cybersecurity startup that was acquired by Google. Prior to that, Chris was the Product Director for Plan X, a Department of Defense cyber warfare research and development program at DARPA. Chris previously served in the Obama Administration as the Director for Cybersecurity Legislation and Policy on the National Security Council staff in the White House. Chris began his career in the U.S. Air Force as a pilot and intelligence officer, including a tour in Iraq where he worked as an intelligence officer and counterterrorism liaison to the Iraqi government. For his CLTC seminar, Finan will speak on “Cyber Tampering: The More Pernicious Risk, and Why We Need to Tamper-Proof Our Society.” RSVP here.
November 1, 12pm
Steve Walker
CEO, Cobaltix
Steve Walker is an expert on cybersecurity, working mainly with very small multi-billion dollar companies (venture capital funds, hedge funds, traders, foundations, and other types of firms). Before starting Cobaltix and Cobaltix Compliance, Steve was a senior technologist (focusing on networking and security) at Bechtel, Hammersly Consulting, Cohesive, 3Com, Exodus, and Good Technology, and as a consultant he has worked with clients all over Europe, Asia, and Australia. For his CLTC seminar, Steve Walker will give a brief lecture on what it takes to make it as a security expert in a financial context. RSVP here.
November 3, 12pm
Angela McKay
Director of the Government Security Policy and Strategy, Microsoft
Angela McKay is Director of the Government Security Policy and Strategy team within Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft. She focuses on driving strategic change, both within Microsoft and externally, to advance trust in the computing ecosystem. Ms. McKay leads Microsoft’s public policy work on cybersecurity, cloud security, and norms, and on public sector use of cloud. Her team includes professionals working on these topics across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the U.S. She serves on the Board of Councilors for the East West Institute, a think tank focused on international conflict resolution, and as Microsoft’s Point of Contact for the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee, which provides the President of the United States with recommendations to maintain reliable, secure, and resilient communications. RSVP here.
November 15, 12pm
Marshall Kuypers
Cyber Risk Scientist, Qadium
Marshall Kuypers is a cyber risk scientist at Qadium. He is completing his PhD in Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University, concentrating in risk analysis, and he was a predoctoral science fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) from 2014-2016. Marshall has a diverse background spanning many fields, including modeling cybersecurity for the Jet Propulsion Lab, developing trading algorithms with a high frequency trading company in Chicago, researching superconducting materials at UIUC, and modeling economic and healthcare systems with the Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems (CASoS) engineering group at Sandia National Labs. Currently, his work focuses on quantitative models of cyber security and analysis of Internet-scale data. In his talk, Skuypers will discuss insights and applications derived from analyzing data on every publicly accessible device on the Internet. RSVP here.
November 29, 12pm
John Crain
Chief Security, Stability and Resiliency Officer, ICANN
John Crain is responsible for establishing strategy, planning and execution for ICANN’s external Security, Stability and Resiliency programs. He works on a cross functional basis with the ICANN executive team, staff and the community to enable and enhance capabilities that improve the overall security, stability and resiliency of the Internet’s Identifier Systems and associated infrastructures and represents ICANN in operational and technical dialogues and forums to ensure the full communities engagement with these programs. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is an internationally organized, non-profit corporation that has responsibility for Internet Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment, generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) Top-Level Domain name system management, and root server system management functions. Prior to his time at ICANN, John worked as part of the executive management team at the RIPE NCC in Amsterdam. His presentation will focus on future trends in cybersecurity. RSVP here.
December 9, 12pm
Bill Marczak
Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley
Bill Marczak is a computer science Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley and a senior research fellow at Citizen Lab. Bill’s research—recently profiled in Vanity Fair—focuses on identifying and tracking nation-state information controls employed against dissidents, as well as government-exclusive “lawful intercept” malware tools, including FinFisher, Hacking Team’s RCS, and NSO Pegasus. As part of his dissertation, Bill developed Himaya, a defensive approach that readily integrates with targets’ workflow to provide near real-time scanning of a subject’s email messages to check for threats. He will be explaining the architecture of the program, as well as the greater context for his work. A light lunch will be provided. RSVP here.
Questions? Please contact us at Meanwhile, stay tuned to our website and future newsletters for more information!