Cynthia is a second-year Masters student in Berkeley’s School of Information studying Information Management and Systems (MIMS ‘25). Her research interests include exploring how people work, designing AI systems, fostering trust and safety, and advancing social computing; she is particularly interested in bridging the gap between academic and applied design research to create usable solutions for all. Prior to starting her Masters degree, she spent a few years in the UX Research space as a User Researcher at Salesforce, helping bring to life the integration between Salesforce and Slack post-acquisition. Her research focused on enabling people to do their jobs faster, better, and more enjoyably by building tools for effective collaboration. She’s also been a part of research teams as a Design Research Intern at HBO Max, Salesforce, and Milliman, where problem spaces have spanned users from TV binge-watchers to Actuaries. She received her BS in 2021 in Cognitive Science with a focus on Computational Cognition from the University of California, Davis.